When was Minecraft: Pocket Edition Lite discontinued? … So, if you play Minecraft on an Android smartphone, you can now play with chums on an Xbox One console, for example. The branding Gods at Microsoft have killed it off and replaced it with… Minecraft. … The Minecraft Pocket Edition is consistently one of the most downloaded apps for both iPhone and Android mobile devices. Minecraft Pocket Edition: Everything players need to know about the game in 2021. Bedrock originated as « Pocket Edition » (MCPE/PE), as it was originally only available on mobile devices.

What are the differences between Pocket Edition and PocketMine and Bedrock? Bedrock, or Bedrock Edition, is the version of Minecraft that brings together consoles, iOS/Android, and Windows 10. What is the difference between Minecraft bedrock and Pocket Edition? Minecraft: Pocket Edition (informally known as MCPE or PE) was the former title of the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft developed by Mojang Studios for mobile devices before 1.2.0, although subsequent builds are still commonly (if erroneously) referred to as Pocket Edition. It will never become monthly, I can guarantee that.