This will allow students who have met their English Language Proficiency requirements using a method other than BC Secondary School English to easily see the equivalent option for their desired program. NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: Effective Fall 2024, BCIT will implement English Language Proficiency (ELP) categories for programs requiring a minimum of English 12 with 50%, 67%, or 73% into Categories 1,2,3, and Graduate Studies. Learning methodologies will also include case studies, project work, group collaboration, and student presentations. The program will use lectures and self-guided learning as the primary method to develop the knowledge and applied skills of the learners. This holistic program provides graduates with a well-rounded base for succeeding in the energy management industry.

This program consists of nine courses that cover the technical aspects of energy management along with the business aspects and human behavior aspects.

Energy management is the practice of energy conservation, in short making sure that industry is only using the energy it needs and that that energy is being used as efficiently as possible. The SEMAC program is a completely online part-time studies program that will provide graduates with the skills and knowledge of sustainable energy management principles, approaches, techniques, and tools, in order to be able to function quickly and effectively in the energy management industry. The target audience for this advanced certificate are those that are interested in expanding their knowledge and initiatives into sustainable energy management or are interested in changing careers. The program is designed to support employment opportunities in the emerging field of sustainable energy management, with focus on the energy demands of commercial, institutional, industrial and community facilities. The Sustainable Energy Management Advanced Certificate (SEMAC) program is a partnership between BC Hydro, FortisBC and BCIT, with initial funding support from the Natural Resources Canada – Office of Energy Efficiency.