Surabhi asked if/whether I had read that book.Surabhi asked, “Have you read this book?” (Direct Speech).If the speaker talks about a universal truth, the tense is unchanged. John said that the sun rises from the east. John said, “The sun rises from the east.” Surabhi said that she had read that book the previous week, (indirect speech).Surabhi said, “I read this book last week.” (direct speech).In general, the present tense becomes past tense past and perfect tenses become the past perfect tense. Surabhi said that she would read that book. Surabhi said that she had read that book before she gave it to me. Surabhi said that she had been/was reading that book when Mohan snatched it away. Surabhi said that she had read that book the previous week. Surabhi said that she had been reading that book. Surabhi said that she had read that book. Surabhi said, “I was reading this book when Mohan snatched it away.” Surabhi said, “I had read this book before I gave it to you.” Surabhi said, “I read this book last week.” Surabhi said, “I have read this book.” Surabhi said, “I have been reading this book.” A first-person and second-person generally change to a third person (depending upon the object to reporting verb).Indirect speech: Surabhi said that she was reading.Direct speech: Surabhi said, “I am reading.”.Imperative sentences: ordered, begged, pleaded, implored, advised, demanded.Interrogative sentences: asked, inquired, wanted to know, enquired When we report.Affirmative sentences: said, told (object), asserted, replied, assured, informed, responded, whispered, alleged, believed, assumed, though.While changing direct speech into reported speech or vice versa, the following change: Pradeep told me that my book is with Jai.Pradeep told me, ‘Your book is with Jai’.Now, we can report this statement in two ways:

If you ask your friend Pradeep, ‘Did you take my book?’, the reply could be ‘Your book is with Jai.’ The first is direct speech when we express what the speaker said as it is and the second is indirect speech where we express what was said in our words. When we say things that have been said, we use two ways of expressing it. Reported Speech Exercises for Class 9 CBSE With Answers Pdf We also providing Extra Questions for Class 9 English Chapter wise. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more. Reported speech is when we express or say things that have already been said by somebody else.īasic English Grammar rules can be tricky.