To cheer her up, he tries turning on the radio, but every station has announcers singing Sebastian's praises, much to his consternation. "Well Done, Son" Guy: In his TTT2 ending, where his victory in the tournament puts Lili in an apparently sullen mood while they're driving someplace.Rule of Funny: Just seeing him in action is absolutely hilarious - an old man in a suit spinning around like a ballerina.Satellite Character: There's not much else to him other than being Lili's butler.Moveset Clone: He fights using the same style as his mistress Lili, with only a few different moves for variety.I Shall Taunt You: He has a couple of taunts, including one where he bows down to his opponent while making a "the exit is this way" hand gesture (like the one he does in his CG art up there).Hidden Depths: Tag 2 Wang's ending reveals that he feels content in life just by being Lili's butler, but the possibility of becoming immortal appeals to him.Early-Bird Cameo: He first appears in Tekken 6 Lili's ending.Battle Butler: Lili's butler, who's skilled in street fighting like his mistress.Ascended Extra: He made a few appearances in Lili's prologues and endings, but Tag 2 marks his first playable appearance.He fights using Lili's Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection moveset with a few exclusive taunts where he bows. Unlocked as a time-release DLC character in a patch for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 on October 9, 2012. Really contrasting with Julia, who's mostly more reserved. The count goes to three if you include Michelle wearing the mask.

Legacy Character: There were at least two Jaycees, Julia and the woman whom she replaced that was injured.Foreshadowing: Her true identity can easily be spotted with that alias, her familiar green necklace, her overall size and physique, and her basic moveset combined with luchador skills.The persona and plot involving her ended up becoming canon in 7.

A Friend in Need: She is actually Julia Chang, who temporarily took on the Jaycee mask and persona to replace the real Jaycee while the latter was injured, after their friend begged Julia to do so for Jaycee's fans.A female Masked Luchador who's actually Julia Chang filling in for an injured wrestler friend.